Life after ‘La Coupe du monde’
Yes, it’s over. France won. I’m sure this is not news anyway. (Sending our congratulations to France). Here comes the four years wait for the next one. No more world cup gist, no chickens being banned from stadiums, no more local gatherings where people sit on cars or climb trees to view matches from a general television provided. At least, until next time.
The FIFA world cup began in 1930 and since then it has been a much-anticipated event worldwide. It brings citizens together as they support their countries and provides entertainment for all. It’s just fun to watch.
However, the world cup is not just a football tournament. Its more than that. It’s a test of skill for players and in many ways faith for the viewers (the amount of times Nigerian supporters must have had anxiety attacks in the first match against Croatia alone can’t be measured). It’s a game that engages the world.
The fact that the world cup has survived so long shows that it’s a tournament that has won the tests of time. Teams and countries have participated in it that are no longer in existence today. For 88 years it has been uniting people, in a game that promotes patriotism among both the elderly and the youth, joy and an escape from everyday life.
So, until next time FIFA. The world will be waiting.